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Dance practice acts on white and grey matter in various brain regions

Training, learning, adaptation, resilience, healing... whatever the improvements you're hoping for in your brain, getting results requires "neuroplasticity", which is how we refer to the physical changes in the number and strength of various brain circuits responsable for changes in brain function.

In fact, as we get older, we have to keep activating and re-activating as many circuits as possible, just to keep the functions we already have like balance, memory, coordination, agility and sociability.

This can sound like hard work, and so many propositions actually put us off even trying - the word "exercise" hardly conjures up an image of pleasant good times, and repeated movements aren't considered to have much effect on brain plasticity anyway.

So... how fantastic to learn from this scientific article led by Lavinia Texeiro-Machado, investigating the results of 8 studies, that dance has significant effects on brain structure and function !

The authors saw increased grey matter volume in the hippocampus, increased white matter integrity and better communication between left and right hemispheres. From a functional point of view, there was better memory, attention, body balance and psycho-social activity after the dancing programs.

They conclude "Based on the evidence, dance-practice integrates brain areas to improve neuroplasticity".

It has been said that the best things in life are free, but finding that something as "fun" as dance can have such amazing effects that could change the course of a life is news that needs to be shared.

And acted on.

Click now and dance - about a hundred free videos available on the Click and Dance Youtube channel.

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1 Comment

Resolutions should be fun, why start the new year with a chore?! This is really motivating, love it ☺️

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