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The Click and Dance website provides a mental health blog, workplace wellness information and dancing videos to promote wellness and health through the use of coordinated movement.


The Clickanddance website uses the services provided by Their privacy policy includes the data concerning users of users, i.e. you. You may consult their privacy policy via this link.



When you interact with us or use our Services, we may collect Personal Data and other information from you, including:

Personal Data That You Provide Through the Services: We collect Personal Data from you when you voluntarily choose to provide such information, such as when you contact us with inquiries, respond to one of our surveys, register for access to the Services, use certain Services, or authorize us to access data from your Facebook account. For example, we collect and store data about your demographic information, your responses to our questionnaires and questions through the app, including symptom and event data, and cognitive and sensori-motor metrics that we derive from your test results using the Services. We may also collect and store information such as your browser type, IP address, language, operating system, unique device identifier, and the date and time of your use of the Services. By voluntarily providing us with your Personal Data through your use of the Services, you are consenting to our use of such Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. As the Services include the use of client/server software, you acknowledge and agree that such Personal Data may be transferred from your current location to our offices and servers or those of our affiliates or contractors located in Europe, the United States and other countries.

Other Information:

Non-Identifiable Data: When you utilize the Services, we may receive certain personally non-identifiable information about your use of the Services. Such information, which may be collected passively using various technologies, or via your use of the Services, cannot presently be used to specifically identify you. We may store such information ourselves or it may be included in databases or on servers owned and maintained by our affiliates, agents or service providers. We may use such information and pool it with other information to track, for example, the total number of users of our Services, the number of visitors to our Website, and the domain names of our visitors’ Internet service providers. It is important to note that no Personal Data is available or used in this process.

Aggregated Personal Data: In an ongoing effort to better understand and serve the users of the Services, we may conduct research on our end user’s demographics, interests, responses, and behavior based on the Personal Data, test results and other information provided to us. We also may collect and use population data from use of the Services to improve our technology and its underlying algorithms. This research may be compiled and analyzed on an aggregate basis, and we may share this aggregated data with our affiliates, agents and business partners. This aggregate information does not identify you personally. We may also disclose aggregated user statistics in order to describe the Services to current and prospective business partners, and to other third parties for other lawful purposes.

Our Use of Cookies: To collect information, we use cookies and other standard web technologies. Cookies are small text files placed on the browser of your computer or mobile device when you visit a website that collect non-personal information. We use “persistent cookies” to save your login information for future logins to our services. We use “session ID cookies” to enable certain features of our services, to better understand how you interact with the Services and to monitor aggregate usage and web traffic routing. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but allow you to disable cookies through the “options” or “preferences” menu of your browser. Please be aware that disabling cookies could interfere with the functionality of the Services.
Third parties whose products or services are or may be accessible in the Services, including social networking services like Facebook, may also use cookies or similar tools. Please review their privacy policies for information about their cookies and other privacy practices.


Our Services may rely on the Facebook Connect platform in order to provide both authentication and social networking features. When you initially login to the Services using your Facebook login and password, you are asked to grant us permission to access certain data from your Facebook account (the “Facebook Information”). We may use Facebook Information in order to provide the Services both to you and other users. We may share Facebook Information with users of the Services in order to provide certain features or functionality. The Facebook Information we collect and use is limited to that information you have explicitly authorized us to access through the Facebook Connect initial login, described above.


We will use the Personal Data you provide in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy. Additionally, if you provide Personal Data to us for a certain reason, we may use the Personal Data in connection with the reason for which it was provided. For instance, if you contact us by email, we will use the Personal Data you provide to answer your question or resolve your problem. Also, if you provide Personal Data in order to obtain access to the Services, we will use your Personal Data to provide access to such services and to monitor your use of such services. We may also use your Personal Data and other personally non-identifiable information collected through the Services to help us improve the content and functionality of the Services, to better understand our users and to improve the Services.

We will communicate with you through email and notices posted via the Services. These communications may include a series of welcome emails that help inform you about various features of the Services. Please be aware that we will always send certain emails related to the proper functioning of your account. We may send you promotional information unless you have opted out of receiving such information. If you wish to opt-out of receiving promotional emails, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email.


In addition to the foregoing, there are certain other circumstances in which we may share your Personal Data with certain third parties without further notice to you, including as set forth below:

Service Providers, Agents and Related Third Parties: We may share your information with certain third parties selected by us to help support our operations. These include, for example, services that help us process payments, analyze web traffic, send emails, and track customer service requests. In addition, we may share limited personal information to third parties that help us market or advertise the Services. These third parties may have access to your information only for purposes of performing these tasks on our behalf and we contractually require them to protect your information consistent with this Privacy Policy.

Legal Requirements: We may disclose your information when we have a good faith belief we are required to do so by law, or in response to a subpoena, court order, or other legal mechanism. We may also disclose your information when we have a good faith belief that disclosure may prevent fraud and abuse of the Services or its users or protect our property rights.

Business Transfers: As we develop our business, we might sell or buy businesses or assets. In the event of a sale, merger, reorganization, dissolution or similar event relating to all or a portion of our business, assets or the Services, Personal Data may be part of the transferred assets. We will post a notice or otherwise notify you before the information is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

Consent: We may disclose your information when we believe we have your consent to do so, such as when you contact customer service and ask us about your account, or when we have the consent of someone we believe is authorized to consent on behalf of you, such as the individual associated with the payment method for your account. If you have expressly agreed to participate in a research study with us or with a third party that incorporates your personal information collected by us, we also may disclose your information for the purpose of facilitating the research to which you have consented.


When you sign up for our Services, we ask you to provide Personal Data as part of the registration process. If we propose to use Personal Data for purposes other than those described in this Policy and/or in the specific notice of Services, we will offer you an effective way to opt out of our use of your Personal Data for those other purposes.


The Services may now or in the future permit the submission of Content at the direction of users of the Services (“User Content”) and the hosting, sharing, and/or publishing of such User Content. You understand that whether or not such User Content is published, we do not guarantee any confidentiality with respect to any submissions. This Privacy Policy shall not apply to any User Content or unsolicited information you provide to us through the Services or through any other means. This includes, but is not limited to, information posted to any public areas of the Services, such as bulletin boards, communal pages, (collectively, “Public Areas”), any ideas for new products or modifications to existing services, and other unsolicited submissions (collectively, “Unsolicited Information”), including all User Content that by its nature is accessible or intended to be accessible to other users of the Services. All such Unsolicited Information shall be deemed to be non-confidential and we shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose, and distribute such Unsolicited Information to others without limitation or attribution. Please also note that any Personal Data or other information you provide, including by authorizing us to access Facebook Information as described above, to be displayed in your publicly available online profile will be displayed for others to see and thus will not be subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy. We cannot and will not be responsible for what third parties do with any Personal Data or other information that you choose to make publicly available. As such, we advise that you exercise great care in determining what information you choose to make publicly available through the Services.


We do not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under the age of 13 and do not target our websites to children under 13. If you are under 13, please do not submit any Personal Data through the Services. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children’s Internet usage and to help enforce our Privacy Policy by instructing their children never to provide Personal Data without their parents’ permission. If you have reason to believe that a child under the age of 13 has provided Personal Data to us through the Services, please contact us, and we will endeavor to delete that information from our databases.


This Privacy Policy applies only to the Services. The Services may frame or contain references or links to other websites not operated or controlled by us (the “Third Party Sites”). The policies and procedures we described here do not apply to the Third Party Sites. The links from the Services do not imply our review or endorsement of the Third Party Sites. We suggest contacting the providers of those sites directly for information on their privacy policies.


We take reasonable steps to protect the Personal Data provided via the Services from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. These steps include internal reviews of our data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures, as well as physical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to systems where we store Personal Data. However, no Internet or email transmission is ever fully secure or error free. In particular, email sent to or from the Services may not be secure. Therefore, you should take special care in deciding what information you send to us via email. Please keep this in mind when disclosing any Personal Data to us via the Internet.


If you access the Services outside of Europe, you fully understand and unambiguously consent to the transfer of your personal information to, and the collection and processing of such personal information in the European Union and your adherence to the regulations imposed in the European Union.


We process Personal Data only for the purposes for which it was collected and in accordance with this Policy or any applicable service-specific privacy notice. We review our data collection, storage and processing practices to ensure that we only collect, store and process the Personal Data needed to provide or improve our Services. We take reasonable steps to ensure that the Personal Data we process is accurate, complete, and current, but we depend on our users to update or correct their Personal Data whenever necessary.


We regularly review our compliance with this Policy. Please feel free to direct any questions or concerns regarding this Policy or our treatment of Personal Data by contacting us through our Website or the Services. When we receive formal written complaints, it is our policy to contact the complainant regarding his or her concerns.


The Services may change from time to time. As a result, at times it may be necessary for us to make changes to this Privacy Policy. Accordingly, we reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time and from time to time without prior notice. Please review this policy periodically, and especially before you provide any Personal Data. This Privacy Policy was last updated on the date indicated above. Your continued use of the Services after any changes or revisions to this Privacy Policy shall indicate your agreement with the terms of such revised Privacy Policy.


We strive to keep your Personal Data accurately recorded. Through the Services, we provide you with access to update your profile and revise Personal Data previously submitted to us.


If you have any additional questions or concerns about this Policy or our information practices, please feel free to contact us at any time through the contact mechanisms set forth on our Website or available through the Services.

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